Da Bomb Bath Fizzers

It all started with a bath.

Growing up, Isabel and Caroline always loved using fizzing bath bombs. But they couldn't help but feel a little bit sad when a bomb finished dissolving because, well... it was gone. So they decided to create thier own line of bath bombs that each contain a fun surprise in the middle! Now isn't that way more exciting than a bath bomb that just disappears? (We think so!) The girls also wanted to keep their bombs as natural as possible, so they make them themselves using just a few simple, high quality ingredients. 


Hands on Manufacturing. Literally.

All Da Bomb Fizzers are handmade in the USA. Isabel and Caroline used to make all the bombs themselves but, due to increasing demand, they eventually hired some people to help us. Even their little brother, Harry, has been known to contribute. (He's the brilliant mind behind the Ninja Bomb, by the way.)


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